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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 09/21/2009
Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Senior Center Conference Room
Monday, September 21, 2009

Present: Lori Vanderschmidt, Dan Wexman, Co-Chairs: Emily Beebe and Steven Gazzano

Absent: Jean Schaefer

Also Present: Town Administrator Paul Sieloff and Fire Chief Daniel Silverman

Emily Beebe called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.

The first item of business for the Board was to change meeting dates to Tuesdays with dates set for October 6 and 20th at 6:30 pm Town Hall.

**The Board discussed with Chief Silverman change order requests to add a hydrant in the vicinity of 140 Commercial Street.

**The Board had a preliminary discussion on the additional expansion priority list. Further discussion is necessary to finalize list.

**The Board reviewed and approved minutes from the August 3 and 10th meetings.

**The Board was given a construction update by board member Steve Gazzano.
Items discussed SRF and USDA funding, cash flow projections, etc.

**The Board discussed with the Town Administrator the awarding of the contract for the consultant to assist with aspects of setting connection fees, setting up processes for hookups, billings, etc.

** The Board discussed Special Revenue Fund verses Enterprise Fund. The Board will have further discussions to come to a consensus on the best way to establish transparency.

**Paul Sieloff~summarized the status of~herbicide spraying in Wellfleet~and Massachusetts laws would supersede and local law on herbicide spraying. The Town cannot ban the spraying of chemicals.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Submitted by,

Steven Gazzano

The Water Commissioners approved these minutes at the meeting held 10/20/09.